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2 Aubrey Chef Jobs Found
jack r
Aubrey, Texas
Active 5 days ago
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Seeking Experienced Chef in Aubrey, TX - Exciting Opportunity Awaits!
Are you an experienced chef looking for an exciting opportunity in Aubrey, Texas? If so, I'm Jack from Aubrey, Texas and I'm looking for a t...
Are you an experienced chef looking for an exciting opportunity in Aubrey, Texas? If so, I'm Jack from Aubrey, Texas and I'm looking for a talented chef to join my team!
As a chef, you'll have the chance to create amazing dishes, work in a professional kitchen, and be part of a great team. You'll also have the chance to use your creativity and knowledge to take our food to th...
Catherine D
Aubrey, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Not-Your-Average Wedding Reception with Family-Style Dinner
Looking for a chef and 1-2 servers to prepare and serve a simple family-style meal for 65-75 guests. Open to suggestions re: entree ideas. W...
Looking for a chef and 1-2 servers to prepare and serve a simple family-style meal for 65-75 guests. Open to suggestions re: entree ideas. Would like to start with a simple dip / crostini appetizer at each table. The table count will be minimal, so it should be fairly simple to serve (8-10 tables total; self-serve from family-style dishes for the entree portion). We;d like the...
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