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The #1 way to hire a professional chef
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2 Hawthorne Chef Jobs Found
Leslie O
Hawthorne, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
Hawthorne, NJ Experienced Chef Needed Great Opportunity
Are you a chef looking to prepare delicious meals in Hawthorne, NJ? I'm in need of a chef to help create healthy meals for my family. I
Are you a chef looking to prepare delicious meals in Hawthorne, NJ? I'm in need of a chef to help create healthy meals for my family. I
The ideal chef for this position will have experience in preparing healthy, home cooked meals. The chef should be creative and have a passion for cooking.
If you have the skills and experience to cook meals that we'll all enjoy, please conta...
Angela L
Hawthorne, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
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Pastry Chef Needed Part Time
I need a pastry chef who can make pink and white (Black and White) cookies.
I may need about 225 of them for a function. Call for details....
I need a pastry chef who can make pink and white (Black and White) cookies.
I may need about 225 of them for a function. Call for details. 201-371-...
Also, I need someone who can make Bananas Foster cakes?
Are you available to work two or three days this week?
If not , do you know someone good who can?
Call for details 201-371-...
Email Resumes..... ...@.......
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