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3 Quebec Chef Jobs Found
9 Québec Inc. o/e Ben & Florentine (Beauport) 9
Québec, Quebec
Active over a week ago
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Cook - Cuisinier/cuisinière
Company: --... Québec Inc. o/e Ben & Florentine (Beauport)
Business information: Since 2009, Ben & Florentine restaurants have been able to...
Company: --... Québec Inc. o/e Ben & Florentine (Beauport)
Business information: Since 2009, Ben & Florentine restaurants have been able to develop and position themselves as leaders in the lunch and brunch market in Quebec. The quality of our potatoes, our famous old-fashioned pan-fried potatoes and our essential "avocado toast" bear witness to all our years of innovation!
9 Québec Inc. o/e Ben & Florentine (Sainte-Foy) B
Québec, Quebec
Active over a week ago
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Cook - Cuisinier/cuisinière
Company: --... Québec Inc. o/e Ben & Florentine (Sainte-Foy)
Business information: Since 2009, Ben & Florentine restaurants have been able t...
Company: --... Québec Inc. o/e Ben & Florentine (Sainte-Foy)
Business information: Since 2009, Ben & Florentine restaurants have been able to develop and position themselves as leaders in the lunch and brunch market in Quebec. The quality of our potatoes, our famous old-fashioned pan-fried potatoes and our essential "avocado toast" bear witness to all our years of innovation!
9 Québec Inc. / R
Québec, Quebec
Active over a week ago
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Cook - Cuisinier / cuisinière
Company: --... Québec Inc. / Restaurant Le Bâton Rouge
Business Information: We, at the Bâton Rouge Steakhouse & Bar, are unrelenting about...
Company: --... Québec Inc. / Restaurant Le Bâton Rouge
Business Information: We, at the Bâton Rouge Steakhouse & Bar, are unrelenting about the great food we serve. Since 1992, we’ve built our success on preparing our meals, using only the very best ingredients, day in and day out. Satisfying our guests is what fuels our inner fire to do things the right way; the BR way.
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